Event Management Company. We are qualified and reliable partners for the realization of corporate and institutional events.
to choose Biba
Flexible and scalable organization allowing us to be extremely competitive;
Direct involvement of skilled resources, with solid experience in events organization;
World class competences, network and expertise.
Event Management Company. We are qualified and reliable partners for the realization of corporate and institutional events.
Professional Congress Organizer. We organize congresses and conferences with enthusiasm and professionalism, combining tradition and innovation.
Continuing Medical Education. National Provider, appointed by Ministry of Health for Continuing Medical Education.
Destination Managment Company. Incentive events, Team Building, Corporate Events, Product Lunch are our speciality. Thanks to an excellent territory knowledge, we propose and exalt the beauty of our peninsula.
Thoughts and words
"Thanks for the huge contribution that made the event a success."
"I will never cease to thank you. you have been splendid. I am receiving many compliments and great merit is yours. Give a kiss to all the staff on my part; it was an honor to work with you."
Last updates!
December28 December 2017
Consulta le posizioni aperte per la sede di Milano. Per Candidarti visita la pagina Lavora con noi o invia la…
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December28 December 2017
Biba Group continua a crescere… per essere sempre più vicini ai nostri clienti con l’inzio del 2018 apriranno i nostri…
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December23 December 2017
“Le tendinopatie nello sport, dalla prevenzione al ritorno in campo”. Questo il titolo del congresso scientifico che vedrà riuniti esperti da…
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